This conference was co-hosted by EMN Ireland, within the ESRI, and the Department of Justice and Equality on 29 January 2020. It provided a timely opportunity to consider how best Ireland can harness non-EU start-up talent in the context of a newly revised Start-Up Entrepreneur Programme (STEP).
09:30 Arrival and Registration
10:00 Welcome: Alan Barrett, Director, Economic and Social Research Institute
10.10 Opening remarks: Oonagh Buckley, Deputy Secretary General, Civil Justice and Equality Pillar, Department of Justice and Equality
Session I: International start-up migration patterns and trends
10.30 Chair: Clare Dunne, Assistant Secretary General, Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation
Start-up visas: A passport for innovation and growth? International trends, parallels and differences
Liam Patuzzi, Policy Analyst, MPI Europe
Migratory pathways for start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs in the EU: Key findings from the EMN comparative study
Margaret James, Head of the EMN Service Provider/ICF Associate, ICF
Migratory pathways for attracting start-ups and innovators: the case of e-Estonia
Ave Lauren, Senior Researcher, Estonian Business School
11.30 Questions and Answers
11:45 Coffee Break
Session II: Migration of innovative entrepreneurs to Ireland
12.00 Chair: Michael Kirrane, Head of Immigration Service Delivery, Department of Justice and Equality
Migration to Ireland of start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs
Emma Quinn, Head of Irish National Contact Point, EMN Ireland/ESRI
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Start-up Entrepreneur Programme: Migrant Entrepreneur’s Gateway to Ireland
Aonghus O’Connor, Principal Officer, Immigration Service Delivery, Department of Justice and Equality
When Immigration meets innovation: An experience of navigating a path to Ireland for non-EEA start-ups and entrepreneurs
Aoife Gillespie, Consultant, Philip Lee
12:50 Questions and Answers
13.00 LUNCH
Session III: Supporting start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs
14.00 Chair: Pramod Pathak, Dean of School of Computing, National College of Ireland
Supporting start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs
Kevin Donnelly, Overseas Entrepreneurship Manager, Enterprise Ireland
The International Security Accelerator: attracting global start-ups to scale from Ireland, a case study
Michael O’Connor, CEO, CorkBIC
The Central Bank of Ireland’s Innovation Hub
Denise Delaney, Head of Function, Central Bank of Ireland
The funding process for an Irish start-up
William Conaghan and Lizzy Hayashida, Change Donations
15.00 Questions and Answers
15.15 Close