Title: Intra-EU Mobility of Third-Country Nationals: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 31 Aug 2013
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: The National and International Implications of a Decade of Doctor Migration in the Irish context
Author: Posy Bidwell, Niamh Humphries, Patrick Dicker, Steve Thomas, Charles Normand and Ruairí Brugha
Date: 01 Apr 2013
Publisher: Elsevier
Title: Ethnicity and Nationality in the Irish Labour Market: Evidence from the QNHS Equality Module 2010
Author: Gillian Kingston, Philip J. O’Connell and Elish Kelly (ESRI)
Date: 16 Jan 2013
Publisher: The Equality Authority and the Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Migrants and the Irish Economy
Author: Jim Power (Economist) and Péter Szlovák (The Integration Centre)
Date: 26 Oct 2012
Publisher: The Integration Centre
Title: Polish Migration to Ireland: ‘Free Movers’ in the New European Mobility Space
Author: Torben Krings, Alicja Bobek, Elaine Moriarty, Justyna Salamonska and James Wickham
Date: 03 Oct 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Nurse migration and health workforce planning: Ireland as illustrative of international challenges
Author: Niamh Humphries,Ruairi Brugha and Hannah McGee
Date: 01 Sep 2012
Publisher: Elsevier
Title: Immigrants and Employer-provided Training
Author: Alan Barrett (ESRI), Seamus McGuinness (ESRI), Martin O'Brien (Central Bank of Ireland), Philip J O'Connell (ESRI)
Date: 03 Jul 2012
Publisher: Springer
Title: The Impact of Ireland’s Recession on the Labour Market Outcomes of its Immigrants
Author: Alan Barrett and Elish Kelly (ESRI)
Date: 16 Feb 2012
Publisher: Springer
Title: Satisfying Labour Demand through Migration: EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 31 Oct 2011
Publisher: Directorate General for Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Migrants, minorities, mismatch? Skill mismatch among migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe
Author: Kostas Mavromaras (Flinders University), Seamus McGuinness (The Economic and Social Research Institute), Nigel O’Leary (Swansea University), Peter Sloane (Swansea University)
Date: 18 Oct 2011
Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union