These Regulations are made under the Employment Permit Act 2024 and set out technical provisions for the Act.
The Regulations set out provisions for applications for employment permits (new and renewals), including details on fees, forms and information to be provided, the labour market needs test (requiring advertisement of the job on two online platforms, and EURES, along with at least one other), time periods for applications, and registration with the Revenue Commissioners.
General provisions are detailed under Part 4, including, among other things, the maximum period for which a permit can be issued, provisions for the change of employers, prescribing the minimum waiting period to change employer as 9 months, and provisions for the termination of permits.
The remaining parts of the Regulations contain specific provisions for each type of employment permit, excluding seasonal employment permits. These provisions can vary depending on the type of permit but can include, for example, details on eligible types of employment, minimum remuneration rates, and hours of work.
The Schedules to the Regulations provide details on fees (Schedule 1), regulatory bodies or government minister from which or whom registration or recognition of qualifications is required (Schedule 2), a list of employments in respect of which there is a shortage in terms of qualifications, experience or skills which are required for the proper functioning of the economy, critical skills employments (Schedule 3), a list of employments for which a permit will not be granted (Schedule 4), restrictions that can be placed on the grant of certain general employment permits, such as quotas (Schedule 5), and a list of exchange agreements, associations and programmes (Schedule 6).