Accurate, timely, interoperable? Data management in the asylum procedure: EMN Inform


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A smooth and fast registration and identification procedure that maintains data accuracy is an essential aspect of a functioning asylum procedure. Several Member States and Norway recently adopted a wide range of measures to improve interoperability to assist operational efficiency and enable European Union (EU)
information systems to complement one another. Recent years have seen changing circumstances in applications for international protection, with increases and decreases in the volume and types of applications, prompting procedural changes in the asylum process, impacting how personal data are collected, managed and shared in several Member States and Norway. Most recently, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 has also impacted on data management in asylum procedures.

This Inform summarises the results of the EMN study of the same title which examines how data are managed in the different phases of the asylum procedure (making, registering, lodging and examining) across the Member States and Norway. It maps data management approaches in the asylum procedure, examines challenges faced by Member States, and analyses the impact of any procedural changes to enhance data-sharing among asylum authorities (and others).

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Author(s):European Migration Network
Publisher:Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Publication Date:25 Jun 2021
Geographic Focus:Europe
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