This EMN Inform offers a concise overview of the main topics covered by the EMN study on illegal employment of third-country nationals: 2017 – 2022 situation analysis. It documents the illegal employment of third-country nationals in EMN Member Countries between 2017-2022, building on the earlier EMN study until 2017. It includes an up-to-date analysis of key legislative and policy frameworks and practices to prevent, identify and tackle the illegal employment of third-country nationals, including beneficiaries of temporary protection (BoTP). It also provides examples of challenges and good practices.
The study classifies third-country nationals engaged in illegal employment into three main groups: those legally residing but working undeclared; those legally residing but violating the terms of their residence or work permit; and those irregularly staying and working in the country. It also considers cases of illegal self-employment, notably in platform work, which can fit into any of these categories.
See also:
Illegal employment of third-country nationals: 2017 – 2022 EMN Study
Illegal employment of third country nationals: 2017 – 2022 EMN Flash