Realising Family Reunification: Report on the UNHCR, IOM and Irish Red Cross Travel Assistant Programme


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This report provides an overview of the implementation of the TA programme and demonstrates its impact in reuniting family members. It also aims to show the sometimes-unseen practical steps and challenges that may be encountered following a positive family reunification decision.

The analysis in this report predominantly focuses on the implementation of the TA programme and its impact since it was established in 2007. The data gathered and analysed in this report focuses on successful applicants under the programme. The research undertaken also highlighted some ancillary practical challenges surrounding the arrival of family members in Ireland. Section 6 in this report details some of those challenges. The report concludes with outlining key recommendations in this area.

Author(s):Sarah Parle, Maria Hennessy
Publisher:UNHCR Ireland
Publication Date:29 Mar 2021
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