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Title: Comparative Report Upholding Rights! Early Legal Intervention for Victims of Trafficking
Author: Dr Monica O’Connor
Date: 01 Feb 2015
Publisher: Immigrant Council of Ireland
Title: Person or Number? 2
Author: Crosscare, Doras Luimní, Nasc, FLAC and Dublin City Centre Citizens Information Service
Date: 20 Jan 2015
Publisher: Crosscare, Doras Luimní, Nasc, FLAC and Dublin City Centre Citizens Information Service
Title: Migrant mothers and the geographies of belonging
Author: Mary Gilmartin and Bettina Migge
Date: 15 Jan 2015
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Employment Rights for Migrant Workers in Ireland: Towards A Human Rights Framework
Author: Deirdre Toomey
Date: 01 Jan 2015
Publisher: Springer
Title: No chances, no changes, human trafficking and prostitution in Limerick
Author: Doras Luimní
Date: 01 Jan 2015
Title: Emotional streaming and transconnectivity: Skype and emotion practices in transnational families in Ireland
Author: Rebecca Chiyoko King-O’Riain
Date: 10 Dec 2014
Publisher: Wiley Online
Title: Policies and Practices on Unaccompanied Minors in Ireland
Author: Emma Quinn, Corona Joyce, Egle Gusciute
Date: 25 Nov 2014
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: The use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 04 Nov 2014
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission