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Title: Ireland after Rapid Immigration: The Consequences of Neglect
Author: Katy Hayward
Date: 01 Nov 2013
Publisher: SAGE Journals
Title: Treated Differently? Evidence of racism and discrimination from a local perspective
Author: Dr. Patricia Kennedy, UCD
Date: 23 Oct 2013
Publisher: Doras Luimní
Title: Attracting Highly Qualified and Qualified Third-Country Nationals: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 23 Oct 2013
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Migrations – Ireland in a Global World
Author: Mary Gilmartin and Allen White (eds.)
Date: 22 Oct 2013
Publisher: Manchester University Press
Title: Modelling Asylum Migration Pull-Force Factors in the EU-15
Author: Gerard Keogh
Date: 01 Oct 2013
Publisher: Economic and Social Studies
Title: Irish Emigration in an Age of Austerity
Author: Irial Glynn, Tomás Kelly and Piaras MacÉinrí
Date: 27 Sep 2013
Publisher: University College Cork, EMIGRE project
Title: Support for Asylum Seekers in Ireland 2013 Survey Results
Author: Kathleen Sheehan
Date: 23 Sep 2013
Publisher: SASI
Title: British Migrants and Irish Anxieties
Author: Mary Gilmartin
Date: 16 Sep 2013
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Social Isolation, Loneliness and Return Migration: Evidence from Older Irish Adults
Author: Alan Barrett and Irene Mosca
Date: 13 Sep 2013
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Multicultural Ireland? Muslim Women and Integration in Ireland
Author: Victoria Montgomery
Date: 10 Sep 2013
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online