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Title: ‘Upon the Limits of Rights Regimes’: Reception Conditions of Asylum Seekers in the Republic of Ireland
Author: Liam Thornton
Date: 01 Jan 2007
Publisher: Centre for Refugee Studies at York University
Title: Illegally Resident Third Country Nationals in EU Member States: state approaches toward them, their profile and social situation: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 01 Jan 2007
Publisher: Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security, European Commission
Title: Immigration: Labour Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Author: Piaras MacÉinrí
Date: 20 Dec 2006
Publisher: Pluto Press
Title: Welcome to the Celtic Tiger? Teacher Responses to Immigration and Increasing Ethnic Diversity in Irish Schools
Author: Dympna Devine
Date: 19 Dec 2006
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: No Way Forward, No Going Back: Identifying the problem of trafficking for forced labour in Ireland
Author: Migrant Rights Centre Ireland
Date: 01 Dec 2006
Publisher: Migrant Rights Centre Ireland in association with Dublin City University
Title: Migrants’ Experience of Racism and Discrimination in Ireland
Author: Frances McGinnity, Philip J. O'Connell, Emma Quinn and James Williams (ESRI)
Date: 07 Nov 2006
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Managed Migration and the Labour Market – The Health Sector: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 01 Nov 2006
Publisher: Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security, European Commission
Title: Housing and the Migration Turnaround in Ireland
Author: Chris Paris
Date: 19 Aug 2006
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Managed Migration and the Labour Market – The Health Sector in Ireland
Author: Emma Quinn
Date: 04 Jul 2006
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Older Irish Migrants Living in London: Identity, Loss and Return.
Author: Gerard Leavey, Sati Sembhi and Gill Livingston
Date: 17 Jun 2006
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online