EMN Ireland is the Irish National Contact Point of the European Migration Network and is part of the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and the Department of Justice.

Recent National Publications


Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2023: Ireland

This report provides an overview of the latest data as well as policy and operational developments, research, and case law from 2023.


How do European countries manage family reunification for recognised refugees?

This EMN Ireland Migration Memo provides an overview of approaches to family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection as described in a recent EMN Inform.


Non-EU nationals in irregular employment in Ireland

This study discusses policy, law and data related to the irregular employment of non-EU nationals in Ireland, updating a 2017 EMN study on the topic.

Resources & Events

EU Asylum and Migration Legislation: Ireland's participation

This resource sets out Ireland's participation in EU migration and asylum  legislation.



View overview chart of single application process under International Protection Act 2015. New summaries of relevant legislation added.

Ad Hoc Queries

Read comparative summaries of EMN ad hoc queries on asylum and migration matters of relevance to policy development in Member States.

EMN Glossary Term

Environmentally displaced person: A person subjected to forced migration as a result of sudden, drastic environmental changes.

As Gaeilge: duine easáitithe de dheasca dálaí comhshaoil


View the online EMN Glossary which includes over 500 migration-related terms in Member State (+Norway) languages.

For more information about the EMN Glossary, view the one-pager here