Title: Joined cases C-411/10 NS and C-493/10 ME
Respondent/Defendant: Secretary of State for the Home Department et al
Applicant/Plaintiff:: N.S. et al
Date: 21 Dec 2011
Title: X Adeoye & Ors v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform & Ors
Respondent/Defendant: X Adeoye & Ors
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform & Ors
Date: 25 Nov 2011
Title: Case C-256/11 – Dereci v Bundesministerium fur Inneres
Respondent/Defendant: Bundesministerium fur Inneres
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Murat Dereci et al
Date: 15 Nov 2011
Title: Troci v Governor of Cloverhill Prison
Respondent/Defendant: Governor of Cloverhill Prison
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Ervis Troci
Date: 02 Nov 2011
Title: LAT & Ors v Minister for Justice and Equality & Ors
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality & Ors
Applicant/Plaintiff:: LAT & Ors
Date: 02 Nov 2011
Title: Ejerenwa v Governor of Cloverhill Prison
Respondent/Defendant: Governor of Cloverhill Prison
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Gerard Ejerenwa
Date: 28 Oct 2011
Title: PJ & Ors v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: P.J. & Ors
Date: 19 Oct 2011
Title: BJSA (Sierra Leone) v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: B.J.S.A.
Date: 12 Oct 2011
Title: SL v Minister for Justice and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: S.L.
Date: 06 Oct 2011
Title: Om v Governor of Cloverhill Prison
Respondent/Defendant: Governor of Cloverhill Prison
Applicant/Plaintiff:: David Francis Om
Date: 01 Aug 2011
Title: SN (Uganda) v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: S.N.
Date: 27 Jul 2011
Title: O’Leary and Others v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and Others
Applicant/Plaintiff:: O'Leary and others
Date: 30 Jun 2011
Title: Efe and Others v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and Others (No.2)
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and Others
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Efe and Others
Date: 07 Jun 2011
Title: Raducan and Raducan v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and Others
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Raducan and Raducan
Date: 03 Jun 2011
Title: MM v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and Others
Applicant/Plaintiff:: M.M.
Date: 18 May 2011
Title: Izevbekhai and Ors v Ireland
Respondent/Defendant: Ireland
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Izevbekhai
Date: 17 May 2011
Title: Adio and Ors v Ireland
Respondent/Defendant: Ireland
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Adio and Ors
Date: 17 May 2011
Title: FGW v Refugee Appeals Tribunal & Ors
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal & Ors
Applicant/Plaintiff:: F.G.W & Ors
Date: 05 May 2011
Title: Case C-434/09 McCarthy v Secretary of State for the Home Department
Respondent/Defendant: Secretary of State for the Home Department
Applicant/Plaintiff:: McCarthy
Date: 05 May 2011
Title: OS & FOS v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: O.S. and F.O.S.
Date: 20 Apr 2011