Title: | PE (Nigeria) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice Equality and Law Reform, the Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Ireland and the Attorney General |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | P.E. (Nigeria) |
Date: | 11 Mar 2015 |
Title: | MM v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Another |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice and Law Reform |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | M.M. |
Date: | 10 Mar 2015 |
Title: | SK and Another v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | S.K. and A.F. (a minor) |
Date: | 06 Mar 2015 |
Title: | PDO v Minister for Justice and Others |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice and Equality, Refugee Applications Commissioner, Ireland and the Attorney General |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | P.D.O. |
Date: | 06 Mar 2015 |
Title: | HAA (Sudan) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice and Equality, Attorney General and Ireland |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice and Equality, Attorney General and Ireland |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | H.A.A. (Sudan) |
Date: | 05 Mar 2015 |
Title: | DA (A minor) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and Attorney General |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | D.A. (a minor) |
Date: | 04 Mar 2015 |
Title: | COO and Others v Minister for Justice and Equality and Others |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and Attorney General |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | C.O.O., G.F.O. (a minor), M.A.F.O. (a minor) and M.F.O. (a minor) |
Date: | 04 Mar 2015 |
Title: | C-472/13: Andre Lawrence Shepherd v Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
Respondent/Defendant: | Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | Andre Lawrence Shepherd v Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
Date: | 26 Feb 2015 |
Title: | SH, IH and SKF v Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice and Law Reform, Attorney General and Ireland |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice and Law Reform, Attorney General and Ireland |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | S.H., I.H. and S.K.F. |
Date: | 18 Feb 2015 |
Title: | TU, GDU (a minor) and GBU (a minor) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | T.U., G.D.U. (a minor) and G.B.U. (a minor) |
Date: | 06 Feb 2015 |
Title: | HK v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Another |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | H.K. |
Date: | 05 Feb 2015 |
Title: | BY (Nigeria) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Attorney General and Ireland |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Attorney General and Ireland |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | B.Y. (Nigeria) |
Date: | 05 Feb 2015 |
Title: | JG (Ethiopia) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Attorney General and Ireland |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Attorney General and Ireland |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | J.G. (Ethiopia) |
Date: | 04 Feb 2015 |
Title: | AA (Nigeria) v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, the Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Ireland and the Attorney General |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, the Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Ireland and the Attorney General |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | AA (Nigeria) |
Date: | 04 Feb 2015 |
Title: | JV and Others v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | J.V., D.V. (a minor) and D.V. (a minor) |
Date: | 27 Jan 2015 |
Title: | AAR v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | A.A.R. |
Date: | 22 Jan 2015 |
Title: | AD (Afghanistan) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | A.D. (Afghanistan) |
Date: | 20 Jan 2015 |
Title: | MPA (Cameroon) and OA (Cameroon) (A minor suing by her mother and next friend MPA) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Attorney General and Ireland |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Attorney General and Ireland |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | M.P.A. (Cameroon) and O.A. (Cameroon) (A minor suing by her mother and next friend M.P.A.) |
Date: | 19 Jan 2015 |
Title: | OO v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and the Attorney General |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and the Attorney General |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | O.O., F.O. and A.O. |
Date: | 16 Jan 2015 |
Title: | MY and Others v Minister for Justice and Others (No. 2) |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Attorney General and Ireland |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | M.Y., R.Y., N.Y. (a minor), Z.Y. (a minor) and F.Y. (a minor) |
Date: | 15 Jan 2015 |