Title: VU v Refugee Applications Commissioner & Anor
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Applications Commissioner & Anor
Applicant/Plaintiff:: V.U.
Date: 29 Apr 2005
Title: ACB v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform & Anor
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform & Anor
Applicant/Plaintiff:: A.C.B.
Date: 25 Apr 2005
Title: SN v Governor of Cloverhill Prison
Respondent/Defendant: Governor of Cloverhill Prison
Applicant/Plaintiff:: S.N.
Date: 14 Apr 2005
Title: Gritto v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Gritto
Date: 16 Mar 2005
Title: OO v Refugee Appeals Tribunal & Anor
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal & Anor
Applicant/Plaintiff:: O.O.
Date: 28 Feb 2005
Title: Case C-133/06 Parliament v Council
Respondent/Defendant: Council
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Parliament
Date: 16 Feb 2005
Title: DCB v Refugee Applications Commissioner & Ors
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Applications Commissioner & Ors
Applicant/Plaintiff:: D.C.B.
Date: 16 Feb 2005
Title: Fitzpatrick v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Fitzpatrick
Date: 26 Jan 2005
Title: NMB v John Ryan (acting as the Refugee Appeals Tribunal) & Ors
Respondent/Defendant: John Ryan (acting as the Refugee Appeals Tribunal) & Ors
Applicant/Plaintiff:: N.M.B.
Date: 24 Jan 2005
Title: MA & Anor v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: M.A. & Anor
Date: 16 Dec 2004
Title: Arra v Governor of Cloverhill Prison & Ors
Respondent/Defendant: Governor of Cloverhill Prison & Ors
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Arra
Date: 10 Dec 2004
Title: Sibiya v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Sibiya
Date: 02 Dec 2004
Title: Z v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform & Anor
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform & Anor
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Z.
Date: 26 Nov 2004
Title: G v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: G
Date: 04 Nov 2004
Title: Robert & Anor v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Robert & Anor
Date: 02 Nov 2004
Title: BEE v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Anor
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Anor
Applicant/Plaintiff:: B.E.E.
Date: 21 Oct 2004
Title: Case C-200/02 – Zhu & Chen v Secretary of State for the Home Department
Respondent/Defendant: Secretary of State for the Home Department
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Zhu & Chen
Date: 19 Oct 2004
Title: OO v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: O.O.
Date: 30 Jul 2004
Title: GE & Ors v Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Tribunal & Ors
Respondent/Defendant: Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Tribunal & Ors
Applicant/Plaintiff:: G.E. & Ors
Date: 29 Jul 2004
Title: CS (a minor) v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: C.S. (a minor)
Date: 27 Jul 2004