Title: | Yeasin v Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Ireland |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | MD Yeasin |
Date: | 13 Dec 2021 |
Title: | Landsberg and Breetzke v Road Safety Authority, the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, and the Attorney General Ireland |
Respondent/Defendant: | Road Safety Authority, the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Ireland and the Attorney General . |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | Amanda Magret Landsberg and Eben Arnoldis Breetzke |
Date: | 05 Nov 2021 |
Title: | P v the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Ireland |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | P |
Date: | 30 Jul 2021 |
Title: | H & anor v Minister for Justice and Equality |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | MIH and SIH, a minor suing by her mother and next friend |
Date: | 11 May 2021 |
Title: | MAH v Minister for Justice |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | MAH |
Date: | 30 Apr 2021 |
Title: | ASA v the Minister for Justice |
Respondent/Defendant: | The Minister for Justice |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | ASA |
Date: | 16 Apr 2021 |
Title: | AB v Road Safety Authority |
Respondent/Defendant: | Road Safety Authority |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | AB |
Date: | 25 Mar 2021 |
Title: | Hossain v Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | MD Liton Hossain |
Date: | 03 Mar 2021 |
Title: | T.P. v Minister for Justice and Equality |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice and Equality |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | S.T.P. |
Date: | 22 Feb 2021 |
Title: | Damache v Minister for Justice |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | Ali Charaf Damache |
Date: | 10 Feb 2021 |
Title: | KS and MHK v International Protection Appeals Tribunal, the Minister for Justice and Equality and the Advocate General and RAT and DS v Minister for Justice and Equality (Joined Cases C-322/19 and C-385/19) |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice and Equality, Advocate General and the International Protection Appeals Tribunal |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | KS, MHK, RAT and DS |
Date: | 14 Jan 2021 |
Title: | C.B. and Others v. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and Refugee Appeals Tribunal |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform; Refugee Appeals Tribunal |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | C.B. and Others |
Date: | 01 Jan 2021 |
Title: | A, S and I v Minister for Justice |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | AAA, S and i |
Date: | 08 Dec 2020 |
Title: | Damache v Minister for Justice |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | Ali Charaf Damache |
Date: | 14 Oct 2020 |
Title: | Gorry v Minister for Justice |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | Ifeyinwa and Joseph Gorry |
Date: | 23 Sep 2020 |
Title: | NVU v Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and the Attorney General |
Respondent/Defendant: | Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and the Attorney General |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | NVU, MU, MNI, MS |
Date: | 24 Jul 2020 |
Title: | MKFS v Minister for Justice |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | MKFS |
Date: | 24 Jul 2020 |
Title: | MAM and KN v Minister for Justice |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | MAM and KN |
Date: | 19 Jun 2020 |
Title: | X v Minister for Justice |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | X |
Date: | 09 Jun 2020 |
Title: | Muhammad Uzair Pervaiz v Minister for Justice and Equality |
Respondent/Defendant: | Minister for Justice and Equality |
Applicant/Plaintiff:: | Muhammad Uzair Pervaiz |
Date: | 02 Jun 2020 |