European Commission propose new initiatives on EU migration and asylum policy

02 Oct 2017

The European Commission propose the following new initiatives in a review of EU migration and asylum policy:

  • A new resettlement scheme to bring at least 50,000 of the most vulnerable persons in need of international protection to Europe over the next two years.  Member States are encouraged to set up private sponsorship schemes allowing private groups or civil society organisations to organise and finance resettlements in accordance with national legislation.
  • Financial support to pilot projects for legal migration with third countries to encourage needs-based economic migration to EU Member States.
  • New measures for a more effective EU return policy including publication of a revised Return Handbook that integrates all recommendations on return to national authorities.

The Commission also calls on Member States to urgently make progress on the reform of the Common European Asylum System and make further efforts to work with countries of origin and transit of migration, in particular by providing additional contributions to the EU Trust Fund for Africa.

For more information:

Read: European Commission – Press release:  State of the Union 2017 – Commission presents next steps towards a stronger, more effective and fairer EU migration and asylum policy

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