19 Dec 2017

CSO figures show that PPSN allocation to non-Irish increased by 13.8 per cent in 2016

PPSN allocations to non-Irish nationals across all age groups were 107,767 in 2016.

05 Dec 2017

EMN Ireland publication on Establishing identity of non-EU nationals in Irish migration processes

This study examines the process of establishing applicants’ identities at the point of access to the national territory

27 Nov 2017

EMN Ireland conference on Migrant family reunification: policy and practice

This conference provides an opportunity to exchange information on family reunification schemes in Ireland and abroad

22 Nov 2017

Government agrees framework for access to work for International Protection Applicants

Cabinet accept the recommendations of the of the Inter-Departmental Taskforce on access to the workforce for International Protection applicants

21 Nov 2017

EMN Ireland Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2016

Overview of trends, policy developments and significant debates in the area of asylum and migration during 2016 in Ireland

20 Nov 2017

On Universal Children’s Day read our recent study on Family reunification of non-EU nationals in Ireland

This study overall looks at family reunification policy, law and practice in Ireland, considering recent changes in law and guidance

15 Nov 2017

New family reunification scheme announced in support of refugees and their family members

Up to 530 refugee family members to be welcomed to Ireland under new scheme

14 Nov 2017

Joint European Migration Network and OECD event exploring the topics of family migration and illegal employment

This event took place in Brussels on 9 November

02 Oct 2017

European Commission propose new initiatives on EU migration and asylum policy

State of the Union 2017 review of EU migration and asylum policy

02 Oct 2017

2017 estimates show highest level of net inward migration for Ireland since 2008

The number of immigrants coming to Ireland has increased by 2.8 per cent year-on-year from 82,300 to 84,600

02 Oct 2017

First time asylum applications in the EU-28 decreased in the second quarter of 2017

Eurostat figures show 149,000 first time asylum seekers applied for international protection in the EU-28 during the second quarter of 2017

22 Sep 2017

Census 2016 figures show the number of non-Irish nationals living in Ireland decreased by 1.6 per cent between 2011 and 2016

In April 2016, there were 535,475 non-Irish nationals from 200 different nations living in Ireland

13 Sep 2017

Latest European and International developments on migration and asylum

Latest European and International developments on migration and asylum

19 Jul 2017

Progress on implementation of McMahon report and taskforce to address the implications of the Supreme Court judgment on right to work for asylum seekers

Interdepartmental taskforce to address the implications of the Supreme Court judgment and progress report on implementation of McMahon report

17 Jul 2017

Latest European and International developments on migration and asylum (July 2017)

Latest European and International developments on migration and asylum

10 Jul 2017

On World Day against Trafficking read the recent EMN Ireland study on Illegal Employment

This report includes data and information on the extent of trafficking for the purposes of labour exploitation in Ireland

05 Jul 2017

Non-EU students and undocumented migrants among those illegally employed

New EMN Ireland publication on Illegal employment of non-EU nationals in Ireland

30 Jun 2017

New EMN Ireland publication on Returning Rejected Asylum Seekers: Practices and Challenges in Ireland

Report maps the legislation and procedures in place in Ireland relating to the return of rejected applicants for international protection (asylum), and examines specific challenges and practices which arise in relation to return, and policies to overcome these challenges

21 Jun 2017

165,000 first time asylum seekers applied for international protection in the EU-28 in first quarter 2017

A decrease of 20% when compared with the fourth quarter of 2016

01 Jun 2017

Supreme Court ruling on ban on asylum seekers looking for work

The absolute ban on asylum applicants seeking employment is ‘in principle’ unconstitutional could have implications for the asylum process

29 May 2017

New EMN Ireland publication on Family Reunification of non-EU nationals in Ireland

New legislation has narrowed eligibility for family reunification for refugees

17 May 2017

New EMN Ireland resource presents an overview of the application process under International Protection Act 2015

EMN Ireland flowchart presents an overview of the various stages under the new single application procedure

28 Apr 2017

EU Member States granted protection status to nearly 710,400 asylum seekers in 2016

In Ireland 790 positive decisions on asylum applications were made in 2016

26 Apr 2017

New EMN report provides the latest trends and analysis on asylum and migration-related issues

Annual Report on Migration and Asylum

31 Mar 2017

Latest European and International developments on migration and asylum (March 2017)

Latest European and International developments on migration and asylum

22 Mar 2017

Eurostat figures show 1.2 million first time asylum seekers registered in the EU-28 in 2016

1,204,300 first time asylum seekers applied for international protection in the Member States of the European Union (EU)

02 Mar 2017

New research monitors the integration of immigrants into Irish society

This report examines migrant integration in Ireland in the areas of employment, education, social inclusion and active citizenship, and includes a special theme on migrant skills and competencies

02 Mar 2017

Immigration in Ireland in 2016

Department of Justice and Equality published the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service Immigration in Ireland: Annual Review 2016

09 Feb 2017

Migrant Integration Strategy and Communities Integration Fund

Framework for Government action on migrant integration and funding for integration and social inclusion community projects

27 Jan 2017

Conference on Addressing Statelessness in the EU: one year on from the adoption of European Council Conclusions

The EMN Platform on Statelessness, in collaboration with UNHCR and the European Network on Statelessness (ENS) organised a conference in Brussels

25 Jan 2017

Latest European and International developments on migration and asylum (January 2017)

Latest European and International developments on migration and asylum