The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has published the Interim Report of the independent Anti-Racism Committee.
The report, which forms part of the development of a new National Action Plan against Racism for Ireland, outlines the approach the Committee is taking to its work, introduces guiding principles and understandings of racism, summarises the societal and policy context for its work, and identifies priority issues to consider in the development of the new National Action Plan against Racism.
Regarding priority issues, the report makes three recommendations for immediate action: remove Ireland’s reservation to Article 4 of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; take steps to put in place ethnic equality monitoring across all public services; and remove all barriers to accessing support for migrant women experiencing gender-based violence.
In addition to the report, the Anti-Racism Committee has opened Public Consultation for 12 weeks from 21 April to 14 July 2021. The committee has also published a document to explain the consultation process. The Committee will recommend the Action Plan to Government towards the end of 2021.
Established by Government in 2020, the Anti-Racism Committee has a mandate to review current evidence and practice and make recommendations to Government on how best to strengthen its approach to tackling racism, including drawing up a new Action Plan Against Racism for Ireland. The first full meeting of the Committee was held on 28 August 2020.
For more information:
Written submissions as part of the public consultation can be made by email to [email protected]
Department of Children, Disability, Equality, and Integration press release