On 8 June 2023, the Justice and Home Affairs Council agreed a general approach on the asylum and migration management regulation (AMMR) and the asylum procedure regulation (APR). Negotiations with the European Parliament can now begin with adoption of the regulations possible in 2024.

Justice and Home Affairs Council, 8-9 December 2022. Image source: EU council
If adopted, the asylum and migration management regulation would replace the existing Dublin regulation, which sets out rules determining which member state is responsible for the examination of an asylum application. The regulation also sets out a new solidarity mechanism that combines mandatory solidarity with flexibility on how member states contribute.
The asylum procedures regulation would establish a common procedure across the EU that member states must follow when a person seeks international protection. This regulation contains a new border procedure rule, which aims to allow a quick assessment at the EU’s external borders of the admissibility of applications.
Ireland’s Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, released a statement welcoming the agreements, describing them as placing “stronger obligations on Member States to implement mandatory asylum and return border procedures for certain applicants, such as those without documentation, those from countries who have low recognition rates and those who may pose a security risk.”
McEntee also referenced “an obligation on Member States to have adequate capacity to deal with this new border process, and to make asylum and return decisions quickly with full respect for the rights of applicants.”
Ireland will need to indicate its intention to take part in the regulations before they would apply. In all other EU countries, they would apply automatically.
For more information:
- Justice and Home Affairs Council, 8-9 June 2023: main results
- Statement by Minister for Justice Helen McEntee on EU General Agreement on Migration and Asylum
See also: