- Informal meeting of Justice and Home Affairs ministers under the Estonian Presidency addressed the migration situation in the Central Mediterranean (6 July).
- European Commission propose an Action Plan to support Italy to accelerate the European Union’s collective work along the Central Mediterranean Route (4 July).
- Croatia became part of the Schengen Information System (SIS).
- European Commission launch EU Skills Profile Tool for Third-Country Nationals to support early profiling of the skills of refugees, migrants and other third country nationals.
- European Commission launch a Public Consultation on the European Union’s (EU) legislation on the legal migration of non-EU citizens (Fitness Check on EU legal migration legislation).
- European Commission present Thirteenth report on relocation and resettlement; Sixth Report on the progress made in the implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement and Fourth Report on the operationalisation of the European Border and Coast Guard.
- Council of Europe adopt Action Plan on Protecting Refugee and Migrant Children in Europe (2017-2019).
Reports / Studies
- European Asylum Support Office (EASO) release its Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union 2016.
- OECD launch 2017 International Migration Outlook and International Migration Outlook 2017 Facts & Figures infographic.
- European Migration Network publish 2016 Annual Report on Migration and Asylum.
- Frontex publish Risk Analysis Network Quarterly Report (FRAN Q4 2016); Western Balkans Risk Analysis Network Quarterly Report (Q4 2016); and Eastern Partnership Risk Analysis Network Quarterly Report (Q4 2016).
- Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) publish new reports;
- IOM release report on Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration 2016 Key highlights
- UNHCR, UNICEF, and the International Rescue Committee, issue a Roadmap for action to improve the situation of refugee and migrant children arriving and staying in Europe without their parents or care givers.
- AIDA publish briefing on The detention of asylum seekers in Europe Constructed on shaky ground?
- ICMPD release How does the media on both sides of the Mediterranean report on migration.
- PICUM publish report Cities of Rights: Ensuring Health care for Undocumented Residents.
Statistics and trends
- IOM: 103,175 migrants and refugees entered Europe by sea in 2017 through 12 July, with almost 85 per cent arriving in Italy and the remainder divided between Greece, Cyprus and Spain. 2,357 deaths have been recorded on the Mediterranean Sea.
- EASO: latest asylum trends for May 2017 show EU+ countries recorded 59,128 applications for international protection (18% increase from April).
- Frontex: In May 2017, the number of migrants arriving in Italy through the Central Mediterranean route rose by 77% from April to 22,900. The number of migrants arriving in Greece by both sea and land routes in May rose 31% from the previous month to more than 2,240.
- Eurostat: 165,000 first time asylum seekers applied for international protection in the EU-28 in first quarter 2017.
- Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA): Monthly overview for June 2017 and thematic focus: Current migration situation in the EU: community policing and Education.
- LIBE Newsletter July 2017.
- EASO Newsletter June 2017.
- PICUM Bulletin 7 June 2017.
- 21-22 September 2017: The Estonian EU Presidency Conference on Migration, The EU in the Global Race for Talents: Challenges and Solutions in Strengthening the EU’s Competitiveness, organised by the Estonian National Contact Point (NCP) for the European Migration Network