Title: Annual Monitoring Report on Integration 2012
Author: Frances McGinnity (ESRI), Emma Quinn (ESRI), Gill Kingston (ESRI) and Philip O'Connell (UCD)
Date: 26 Jun 2013
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute and The Integration Centre
Title: ‘She Told Us Just There Was a School There…’: Cumulative Disadvantage of Migrant Pupils and Students in Irish Schools
Author: Merike Darmody (ESRI)
Date: 20 Jun 2013
Publisher: English Language Support Teachers' Association
Title: In From the Margins – Roma in Ireland: Addressing the Structural Discrimination of the Roma Community in Ireland
Author: Nasc, The Irish Immigrant Support Centre
Date: 28 May 2013
Publisher: Nasc
Title: Changing Ireland, 2000-2012: Immigration, Emigration and Inequality
Author: Mary Gilmartin
Date: 07 May 2013
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Migrant Activism and Integration from below in Ireland
Author: Breda Gray
Date: 01 May 2013
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Immigrants and Welfare Receipt in Ireland
Author: Alan Barrett, Corona Joyce and Bertrand Maitre (ESRI)
Date: 24 Apr 2013
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd
Title: Foster Care and Supported Lodgings for Separated Asylum Seeking Young People in Ireland: The views of young people,carers and stakeholders
Author: Dr Muireann Ní Raghallaigh, UCD
Date: 03 Apr 2013
Publisher: Barnardos and the Health Service Executive
Title: Time to go? A Qualitative Research Study Exploring the Experience and Impact of Emigration on Ireland’s Youth
Author: Marie-Claire McAleer
Date: 01 Apr 2013
Publisher: National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI)
Title: The National and International Implications of a Decade of Doctor Migration in the Irish context
Author: Posy Bidwell, Niamh Humphries, Patrick Dicker, Steve Thomas, Charles Normand and Ruairí Brugha
Date: 01 Apr 2013
Publisher: Elsevier
Title: Immigration of International Students to the EU: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 25 Mar 2013
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Intra-EU Mobility of Third-Country Nationals: Ireland
Author: Emma Quinn
Date: 21 Mar 2013
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Compare and contrast: understanding Irish migration to Britain in a wider context
Author: Louise Ryan
Date: 18 Mar 2013
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Race and Immigration in the New Ireland
Author: Julieann Veronica Ulin, Heather Edwards, and Sean O’Brien (eds.)
Date: 15 Mar 2013
Publisher: University of Notre Dame Press
Title: ‘Generation Emigration’: the politics of (trans)national social reproduction in twenty-first-century Ireland
Author: Breda Gray
Date: 14 Mar 2013
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Fatherhood and Transmission in the Context of Migration: An Irish and a Polish Case
Author: Julia Brannen, Ann Mooney, Valerie Wigfall and Violetta Parutis
Date: 08 Mar 2013
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
Title: The hijab in the (denominational) Irish education system – tolerated or accepted?
Author: Nathalie Rougier
Date: 01 Mar 2013
Publisher: Umeå School of Education, Umeå University, Sweden
Title: Establishing Identity for International Protection: Ireland
Author: Corona Joyce
Date: 28 Feb 2013
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Establishing Identity for International Protection: Challenges and Practices: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 20 Feb 2013
Publisher: Directorate General for Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Family Reunification – a barrier or facilitator of integration? Country Report Ireland
Author: Hilkka Becker, Catherine Cosgrave and Melanie Labor
Date: 14 Feb 2013
Publisher: Immigrant Council of Ireland