Title: Polish Migration to Ireland: ‘Free Movers’ in the New European Mobility Space
Author: Torben Krings, Alicja Bobek, Elaine Moriarty, Justyna Salamonska and James Wickham
Date: 03 Oct 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Nurse migration and health workforce planning: Ireland as illustrative of international challenges
Author: Niamh Humphries,Ruairi Brugha and Hannah McGee
Date: 01 Sep 2012
Publisher: Elsevier
Title: Immigration of International Students to the EU: Ireland
Author: Mairéad Finn, Philip J. O’Connell
Date: 17 Aug 2012
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Misuse of the Right to Family Reunification: Ireland
Author: Corona Joyce
Date: 15 Aug 2012
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: A short survey of Irish people using bus services to emigrate to Britain
Author: Crosscare Migrant Project
Date: 01 Aug 2012
Publisher: Crosscare Migrant Project
Title: Welfare and Immigration
Author: Alan Barrett (ESRI)
Date: 05 Jul 2012
Publisher: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute
Title: Immigrants and Employer-provided Training
Author: Alan Barrett (ESRI), Seamus McGuinness (ESRI), Martin O'Brien (Central Bank of Ireland), Philip J O'Connell (ESRI)
Date: 03 Jul 2012
Publisher: Springer
Title: Misuse of the Right to Family Reunification: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 30 Jun 2012
Publisher: Directorate General for Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Misuse of the Right to Family Reunification: EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Netwok
Date: 30 Jun 2012
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: ‘I want to be all I can Irish’: the role of performance and performativity in the construction of ethnicity
Author: Thomas Sullivan
Date: 28 Jun 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Managing Sameness and Difference: the Politics of Belonging among Irish-born Return Migrants from the United States
Author: David Ralph
Date: 28 Jun 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Annual Monitoring Report on Integration 2011
Author: Frances McGinnity, Emma Quinn, Philip J O'Connell, Gillian Kingston (ESRI)
Date: 05 Jun 2012
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute and The Integration Centre
Title: Enabling Equality: Migrant Women in Rural Ireland
Author: Migrant Rights Centre Ireland
Date: 01 Jun 2012
Publisher: Migrant Rights Centre Ireland
Title: Annual Report on Migration and International Protection Statistics 2009
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 01 Jun 2012
Publisher: Directorate General for Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: International Migration in Ireland, 2011
Author: Philip J. O’Connell, Corona Joyce and Mairéad Finn
Date: 15 May 2012
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Cumulative Disadvantage? Educational Careers of Migrant Students in Irish Secondary Schools
Author: Merike Darmody, Delma Byrne Frances McGinnity
Date: 03 May 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: ‘Every Wednesday I am Happy’: Childhoods in an Irish Asylum Centre
Author: Allen White
Date: 01 May 2012
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Title: Monitoring Integration in Dublin City
Author: Péter Szlovák and Ian McCafferty with the assistance of Kathy O’Connor and Helena Clarke (The Integration Centre)
Date: 30 Apr 2012
Publisher: The Integration Centre
Title: Open Secrets: An Irish Perspective on Trafficking and Witchcraft
Author: Jennifer DeWan and David Lohan
Date: 15 Apr 2012
Publisher: Cois Tine
Title: Turbans, Hijabs and Other Differences: ‘Integration from Below’ and Irish Interculturalism
Author: Ronit Lentin
Date: 01 Apr 2012
Publisher: SAGE Journals.