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Title: Ethnicity and Nationality in the Irish Labour Market: Evidence from the QNHS Equality Module 2010
Author: Gillian Kingston, Philip J. O’Connell and Elish Kelly (ESRI)
Date: 16 Jan 2013
Publisher: The Equality Authority and the Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Irish Emigration in an Age of Austerity
Author: Irial Glynn, Tomás Kelly and Piaras MacÉinr
Date: 01 Jan 2013
Publisher: Emigre
Title: Analysing the Experiences of Discrimination in Ireland: Evidence from the QNHS Equality Module 2010
Author: Frances McGinnity, Dorothy Watson and Gill Kingston (ESRI)
Date: 14 Dec 2012
Publisher: The Equality Authority and the Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Childhood and Migration in Europe: Portraits of Mobility, Identity and Belonging in Contemporary Ireland
Author: Caitríona Ní Laoire, Fina Carpena-Méndez, Naomi Tyrrell and Allen White.
Date: 01 Dec 2012
Publisher: Ashgate
Title: Stop the Silence: A Snapshot of Racism in Cork
Author: Nasc, The Irish Immigrant Support Centre
Date: 27 Nov 2012
Publisher: Nasc, The Irish Immigrant Support Centre
Title: The Organisation of Migration and Asylum Policies 2012: Ireland
Author: Emma Quinn, Gillian Kingston
Date: 27 Nov 2012
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Integration and Social Cohesion in the Republic of Ireland
Author: Bryan Fanning
Date: 01 Nov 2012
Publisher: Manchester University Press
Title: Practical Measures to Reduce Irregular Migration: EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 01 Nov 2012
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Part of the Family? Experiences of Au Pairs in Ireland
Author: Migrant Rights Centre Ireland
Date: 31 Oct 2012
Publisher: Migrant Rights Centre Ireland