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Title: Cumulative Disadvantage? Educational Careers of Migrant Students in Irish Secondary Schools
Author: Merike Darmody, Delma Byrne Frances McGinnity
Date: 03 May 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: ‘Every Wednesday I am Happy’: Childhoods in an Irish Asylum Centre
Author: Allen White
Date: 01 May 2012
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Title: Monitoring Integration in Dublin City
Author: Péter Szlovák and Ian McCafferty with the assistance of Kathy O’Connor and Helena Clarke (The Integration Centre)
Date: 30 Apr 2012
Publisher: The Integration Centre
Title: Open Secrets: An Irish Perspective on Trafficking and Witchcraft
Author: Jennifer DeWan and David Lohan
Date: 15 Apr 2012
Publisher: Cois Tine
Title: Turbans, Hijabs and Other Differences: ‘Integration from Below’ and Irish Interculturalism
Author: Ronit Lentin
Date: 01 Apr 2012
Publisher: SAGE Journals.
Title: Practical Measures for Reducing Irregular Migration: Ireland
Author: Emma Quinn and Gillian Kingston
Date: 30 Mar 2012
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Multiple Disadvantage in Ireland: An Equality Analysis of Census 2006
Author: Dorothy Watson, Pete Lunn, Emma Quinn, Helen Russell (ESRI)
Date: 23 Mar 2012
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute/The Equality Authority
Title: Modern African Migrations to Ireland: Patterns and Contexts
Author: Theophilus Ejorh
Date: 12 Mar 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Homeless in My New Home: Migrants’ experiences of homelessness in Dublin
Author: TSA Consultancy and Focus Ireland
Date: 11 Mar 2012
Publisher: Immigrant Council of Ireland and Focus Ireland
Title: Person or Number?
Author: Nasc, Crosscare Migrant Project and Doras Luimní
Date: 21 Feb 2012
Publisher: Nasc, Crosscare Migrant Project and Doras Luimní