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Title: Irish Pro-Migrant Non-Governmental Organisations and the Politics of Immigration
Author: Pauline Cullen
Date: 01 Jun 2009
Publisher: SpringerLink
Title: Migration and Recession: Polish Migrants in Post-Celtic Tiger Ireland
Author: Torben Krings, Alicja Bobek, Elaine Moriarty, Justyna Salamonska and James Wickham
Date: 30 May 2009
Publisher: Sociological Research Online
Title: Discrimination in Recruitment: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Author: Frances McGinnity, Jacqueline Nelson, Pete Lunn, Emma Quinn (ESRI)
Date: 07 May 2009
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute and The Equality Authority
Title: ‘Home is where the heart is’? Understandings of ‘home’ among Irish-born return migrants from the United States
Author: David Ralph
Date: 01 May 2009
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Title: Globalisation, Sex Trafficking and Prostitution – the Experiences of Migrant Women in Ireland
Author: Kelleher Associates, Monica O'Connor and Jane Pillinger
Date: 16 Apr 2009
Publisher: Immigrant Council of Ireland (in collaboration with the Women’s Health Project, HSE and Ruhama)
Title: Access of non-EU nationals to the Irish labour market 1996-2009
Author: Péter Szlovák (The Integration Centre)
Date: 01 Apr 2009
Publisher: The Integration Centre
Title: The Organisation of Asylum and Migration Policies in Ireland: 2009
Author: Emma Quinn
Date: 27 Feb 2009
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Invisible Pathways – how the Irish immigration system can contribute to people becoming undocumented
Author: Crosscare Migrant Project
Date: 01 Feb 2009
Publisher: Crosscare Migrant Project
Title: The Process of Reinvention of Self: The Experiences of Returning Irish Emigrants
Author: Mary Corcoran
Date: 23 Jan 2009
Publisher: Irish American Cultural Institute
Title: New Guests of the Irish Nation
Author: Bryan Fanning
Date: 01 Jan 2009
Publisher: Irish Academic Press