Title: CI and Others v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: C.I.,T.I. (a minor), T.T.I. (a minor) and T.T.I. (a minor)
Date: 30 Jul 2015
Title: OA v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: O.A.
Date: 28 Jul 2015
Title: Chigaru and Others v Minister for Justice and Others.
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Clement Chigaru, Angela Peters, Chloe Chigaru (a minor) and Clarke Chigaru (a minor)
Date: 27 Jul 2015
Title: AGA and Another v Minister for Justice
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality
Applicant/Plaintiff:: A.G.A. and B.A. (a minor)
Date: 16 Jul 2015
Title: PO and Another v Minister for Justice and Equality and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: P.O. and S.O. (a minor)
Date: 16 Jul 2015
Title: GAA v Refugee Applications Commissioner, the Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and the Attorney General
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Applications Commissioner, the Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: G.A.A.
Date: 16 Jul 2015
Title: JO and Another v Refugee Applications Commissioner and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Applications Commissioner, Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: J.O. and O.O.
Date: 13 Jul 2015
Title: EMO v Minister for Justice and Equality
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality
Applicant/Plaintiff:: E.M.O.
Date: 13 Jul 2015
Title: PRT v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: P.R.T.
Date: 10 Jul 2015
Title: AS v Minister for Justice
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality
Applicant/Plaintiff:: A.S.
Date: 07 Jul 2015
Title: OJU (a minor) v Refugee Applications Commissioner and Another
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Applications Commissioner and Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: O.J.U. (a minor)
Date: 06 Jul 2015
Title: Hussein v Labour Court
Respondent/Defendant: The Labour Court
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Amjad Hussein
Date: 25 Jun 2015
Title: Sivsivadze v Minister for Justice and Equality & ors
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality, Attorney General and Ireland
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Lela Sivsivadze, Sofia Arabuli, Maria Toidze (minors suing by their mother and next friend Lela Sivsivadze) and and Davit Arabuli
Date: 23 Jun 2015
Title: NBO, NL and LO v Minister for Justice and Equality
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality
Applicant/Plaintiff:: N.B.O., N.L. and L.O.
Date: 19 Jun 2015
Title: CFA (a minor) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: C.F.A. (a minor)
Date: 19 Jun 2015
Title: OI and Another v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: O.I. and O.P.I. (a minor)
Date: 17 Jun 2015
Title: BAO v Minister for Justice and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: B.A.O.
Date: 17 Jun 2015
Title: SFA (a minor) and AA v Refugee Applications Commissioner
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Applications Commissioner, Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: S.F.A. (a minor) and A.A.
Date: 16 Jun 2015
Title: AWM v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: A.W.M.
Date: 15 Jun 2015
Title: ED v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: E.D.
Date: 10 Jun 2015