Title: AD v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Another
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Applicant/Plaintiff:: A.D.
Date: 03 Jun 2015
Title: TI (a minor) v Minister for Justice and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Law Reform, Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Ireland and Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: T.I. (a minor)
Date: 19 May 2015
Title: JA v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: J.A.
Date: 19 May 2015
Title: SO v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: S.O.
Date: 11 May 2015
Title: MA v Minister for Justice and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: M.A.
Date: 06 May 2015
Title: NHV and FT v Minister for Justice and Equality
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality
Applicant/Plaintiff:: N.H.V. and F.T.
Date: 17 Apr 2015
Title: QSA v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Q.S.A.
Date: 16 Apr 2015
Title: JO v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: J.O.
Date: 16 Apr 2015
Title: SA and NA v Minister for Justice and Equality (No. 2)
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality
Applicant/Plaintiff:: S.A. and N.A.
Date: 14 Apr 2015
Title: LTC and I-BJK (a minor) (No. 2) v Minister for Justice and Equality and Others
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality, Attorney General and Ireland
Applicant/Plaintiff:: L.T.C. and I-B.J.K. (a minor)
Date: 14 Apr 2015
Title: HN v Minister for Justice and Equality
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality
Applicant/Plaintiff:: H.N.
Date: 27 Mar 2015
Title: MSM and NAS (a minor) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: M.S.M. and N.A.S. (a minor)
Date: 27 Mar 2015
Title: AA (Nigeria) v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, the Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Ireland and the Attorney General
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, the Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: A.A. (Nigeria)
Date: 27 Mar 2015
Title: HJE (Nigeria) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Attorney General and Ireland
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal, Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Attorney General and Ireland
Applicant/Plaintiff:: H.J.E. (Nigeria)
Date: 27 Mar 2015
Title: PR, JR and KR (a minor) v Minister for Justice and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Law Reform, Ireland and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: P.R., J.R. and K.R. (a minor)
Date: 23 Mar 2015
Title: OO (a minor) and Others v Minister for Justice and Equality
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality
Applicant/Plaintiff:: O.O. (a minor), O.E.O. (a minor), O.D.O. (a minor), C.O. and Esmé
Date: 19 Mar 2015
Title: UOA (Nigeria) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Minister for Justice and Equality
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Appeals Tribunal and Minister for Justice and Equality
Applicant/Plaintiff:: U.O.A. (Nigeria)
Date: 19 Mar 2015
Title: AS v Minister for Justice
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality
Applicant/Plaintiff:: A.S.
Date: 16 Mar 2015
Title: PD v Refugee Applications Commissioner and Others (No. 2)
Respondent/Defendant: Refugee Applications Commissioner, Minister for Justice and Equality, and the Attorney General
Applicant/Plaintiff:: P.D.
Date: 12 Mar 2015
Title: Kristian Woke aka Uche Ernest Nwoke v Minister for Justice and Equality
Respondent/Defendant: Minister for Justice and Equality
Applicant/Plaintiff:: Kristian Woke aka Uche Ernest Nwoke
Date: 11 Mar 2015