20 Jan 2023

New EMN Inform: Organising flexible housing in the context of international protection

  Between 2017 and 2021, many EMN Member and Observer Countries experienced a high degree of volatility in the number of applicants for international protection, which in some countries led to tensions in the reception systems. This inform aims to gather information that can help policymakers better organise their reception systems in a flexible manner, whilst anticipating further changing inflows … Read More

14 Sep 2022

Migrant women in Ireland may face a ‘double disadvantage’

Research shows that non-EU migrant women in Ireland may face a ‘double disadvantage’, which relates to being both a woman and a migrant. Additional challenges include accessing health care, labour market barriers and gender-based violence. New EMN Ireland/ESRI research looks at the situation of non-EU migrant women in Ireland and policy responses towards this group. The research is part of … Read More

24 May 2022

New scheme could significantly reduce the number of undocumented migrants living in Ireland

  Research shows that undocumented migrants can experience difficulties accessing services in Ireland. The recently introduced Regularisation of Long-Term Undocumented Migrants Scheme could significantly reduce the size of this group in Ireland. However, certain policy challenges remain, for those who do not regularise under this scheme and for future undocumented migrants. New EMN Ireland/ESRI research looks at policy on undocumented … Read More

27 Apr 2022

New study highlights challenges in current system for victims of human trafficking, including lack of suitable accommodation

  New EMN Ireland/ESRI research examines the policies and procedures in place in Ireland to detect, identify and protect non-EU national victims of human trafficking. Between 2015 and 2020, 356 people were identified by An Garda Síochána as suspected victims of human trafficking, of them approximately 59 per cent were non-EU nationals. The research is part of an EU-wide study … Read More

07 Dec 2020

Generally favourable conditions for naturalisation in Ireland but processing challenges exist  

  New ESRI/European Migration Network research finds that Ireland has more favourable conditions for acquiring citizenship by naturalisation than many EU Member States. However, processing delays and lack of clarity on some eligibility conditions have been highlighted by NGOs and in parliamentary debate. There are three main “pathways” to Irish citizenship: at birth by descent, by birth on the island … Read More

29 Jan 2020

Ireland was one of the first in the EU to target migrant entrepreneurs, but the number of applicants is low

New EMN Ireland research: Migratory pathways to Ireland for start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs

09 Jan 2020

Ireland has increased pathways to protection for vulnerable migrants in recent years, but disparities in supports remain

New EMN Ireland report: National statuses granted for protection reasons in Ireland

19 Jun 2019

Collective efforts needed to help non-EU migrants access employment in Ireland

New EMN Ireland report on Policy and practice targeting the labour market integration of non-EU nationals in Ireland

20 May 2019

The number of international degree students coming to Ireland reaches a new high

New EMN Ireland report on Attracting and retaining international higher education students: Ireland

04 Dec 2018

Many unaccompanied minors wait years for clarity on their protection or immigration status

New EMN Ireland report “Approaches to unaccompanied minors following status determination in Ireland”

30 Nov 2018

Many unaccompanied minors wait years for clarity on their protection or immigration status

New research explores policies and practices on unaccompanied minors applying for or granted status in Ireland

07 Jun 2018

EMN Ireland publication on Ireland’s Response to Recent Trends in International Protection Applications

The study finds that the housing crisis and processing backlogs contributes to bottlenecks in asylum system

05 Jun 2018

Housing crisis and processing backlogs contributing to bottlenecks in asylum system

New EMN Ireland publication on Ireland’s Response to Recent Trends in International Protection Applications

05 Dec 2017

Proving the identity of migrants can be a difficult part of the migration process in Ireland

New EMN Ireland publication on Establishing identity of non-EU Nationals in Irish migration processes

05 Jul 2017

Non-EU students and undocumented migrants among those illegally employed

New EMN Ireland publication on Illegal employment of non-EU nationals in Ireland

29 May 2017

New legislation has narrowed eligibility for family reunification for refugees

New EMN Ireland publication on Family Reunification of non-EU Nationals

12 Dec 2016

Ireland records large increase in refugee resettlement but overall numbers remain low

New EMN Ireland publication on Resettlement of Refugees and Private Sponsorship in Ireland

30 May 2016

Few targeted labour market integration supports exist for refugees

New EMN Ireland publication Integration of Beneficiaries of International Protection into the Labour Market: Policies and Practices in Ireland

26 Nov 2015

Making labour migration work: Identifying skills shortages and attracting migrant workers as part of the solution

joint conference hosted by EMN Ireland, within the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), and the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

24 Nov 2015

New publication shows that the non-EU employment permits system increasingly responds to labour market information

EMN Ireland publish a new report Determining Labour and Skills Shortages and the Need for Labour Migration in Ireland

21 Jul 2015

Increased flexibility helps to support non-EU business migration to Ireland

New EMN Ireland publication Business Migration to Ireland

25 Nov 2014

Significant improvements in the care of unaccompanied minors in Ireland, but challenges persist in a lack of national oversight and regional variations in care

New publication: Policies and Practices on Unaccompanied Minors in Ireland

16 Jul 2014

No Evidence of a systematic over-representation of Migrants among social security receipients in Ireland

New publication: Migrant Access to Social Security and Healthcare: Policies and Practice in Ireland

01 May 2014

Progress made in Action Against Victims of Trafficking but no Statutory Identification of Victims

A new report published today (Thursday, 1 May) by the ESRI/EMN Ireland provides an analysis of measures to identify victims of trafficking in human beings in asylum and forced return procedures in Ireland.

25 Mar 2014

Conference on Migration During and After the Economic Crisis

This EMN Ireland / ESRI Conference, an associated event of the Irish Presidency of the Council of the EU, will be held on Friday, 14 June 2013, from 10.00 to 16.00, at the Convention Centre Dublin.

24 Mar 2014

EMN Ireland Conference: Challenges and Responses to Identifying Victims of Trafficking

This EMN Ireland / ESRI Conference will be held on Friday, 29 November 2013, from 09:30 to 16:00, at the Alexander Hotel, Fenian Street, Dublin 2.

24 Mar 2014

Attracting Highly Qualified And Qualified Third-Country Nationals:Ireland

Despite high unemployment, policy initiatives to attract highly-skilled non-EU workers are still necessary

24 Mar 2014

The Organisation of Reception Facilities for Asylum Seekers in Ireland

Reception system offers flexibility but is unsuited to long-term residence: almost one third of residents in system for more than 5 years