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Title: Access to autonomous housing for beneficiaries of international protection in Ireland
Author: Keire Murphy and Amy Stapleton
Date: 10 Jun 2024
Publisher: The Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: The application of the Temporary Protection Directive: challenges and good practices for Ireland
Author: Amy Stapleton, Ciára Dalton
Date: 25 Apr 2024
Publisher: The Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Equality Matters in Community Sponsorship: considerations for obtaining feedback from stakeholders
Author: Karen Smith, Carol Ballantine, Angham Younes, Zuhair Al Fakir
Date: 05 Dec 2023
Publisher: NASC
Title: Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022: Ireland
Author: Keire Murphy, Anne Sheridan
Date: 29 Nov 2023
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Human Trafficking between Northern Ireland and Ireland
Author: Andrew Chisholm, Patrick Burland, Jennifer Dew, Tegwyn Stephenson
Date: 19 Oct 2023
Publisher: International Organization for Migration
Title: Integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market: EMN Study
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 09 Oct 2023
Publisher: Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Estimating the MESL costs for families in Direct Provision
Author: Vincentian MESL Research Centre
Date: 10 May 2023
Publisher: Vincentian MESL Research Centre
Title: Post-school Pathways of Migrant-Origin Youth in Europe
Date: 10 May 2023
Publisher: Routledge
Title: Monitoring Report on Integration 2022
Author: Frances McGinnity, Stefanie Sprong, Emma Quinn, James Laurence, Keire Murphy, Sarah Curristan
Date: 30 Mar 2023
Publisher: ESRI and Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Title: Labour Market Integration of International Protection Applicants in Ireland
Author: Michał Polakowski and Emily Cunniffe
Date: 24 Mar 2023
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)