Title: Admitting third-country nationals for business purposes: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 05 May 2015
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: EMN Bulletin: November 2014 – February 2015 Issue 10
Date: 03 Mar 2015
Publisher: European Migration Network
Title: Practical approaches and good practices in return and reintegration to Afghanistan and Pakistan: EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 09 Feb 2015
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Challenges and good practices in the return and reintegration of irregular migrants to Western Africa: EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 09 Feb 2015
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: EMN Bulletin: August 2014 – November 2014 Issue 9
Date: 28 Nov 2014
Publisher: European Migration Network
Title: Policies and Practices on Unaccompanied Minors in Ireland
Author: Emma Quinn, Corona Joyce, Egle Gusciute
Date: 25 Nov 2014
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Incentives to return to a third-country and support provided to migrants for their reintegration: EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 24 Nov 2014
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: The use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 04 Nov 2014
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission