Title: EMN Bulletin: February 2014 – May 2014 Issue 7
Date: 30 May 2014
Publisher: European Migration Network
Title: Identifying Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in Asylum and Forced Return Procedures: Ireland
Author: Corona Joyce and Emma Quinn
Date: 01 May 2014
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Impacts of the European Migration Network: EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 14 Apr 2014
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Identification of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in International Protection and Forced Return Procedures: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 13 Mar 2014
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Identification of victims of trafficking in human beings in international protection and forced return procedures: EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 13 Mar 2014
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: EMN Bulletin: October 2013 – February 2014 Issue 6
Date: 12 Feb 2014
Publisher: European Migration Network
Title: The Organisation of Reception Facilities for Asylum Seekers in Ireland
Author: Corona Joyce and Emma Quinn
Date: 07 Feb 2014
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: The Organisation of Reception Facilities for Asylum Seekers in different Member States: EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 07 Feb 2014
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: The Organisation of Reception Facilities for Asylum Seekers in different Member States: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 07 Feb 2014
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: The application of quotas in EU Member States as a measure for managing labour migration from third countries: EMN Informs
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 31 Jan 2014
Publisher: Directorate General Home Affairs, European Commission