New EMN and OECD Inform on the Impact of COVID-19 on migration and asylum

30 Apr 2021

The European Migration Network and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have published an Umbrella Inform on the Impact of COVID-19 on migration and asylum in EU Member States and non-EU OECD countries in 2020.

The Umbrella Inform covers the period March – December 2020 and provides updates on a range of topics, including changes in border procedures, provision of COVID-19 related healthcare services to migrants, the shifting landscape of the labour market, international protection, international students, and return issues.

The Inform finds that in EU Member States and Norway, the automatic extension of residence permits or the removal of the obligation to leave were among measures commonly taken to reduce the impact of the pandemic on migrants. Most EU Member States provided financial support for migrant workers affected by the pandemic. Although restrictions were imposed on the admission of many migrants, continued admission was possible for jobs deemed essential to meet labour market needs. New digital tools became critical in the provision of migration services. The landscape also changed for international students, where in-person attendance was discouraged if not suspended altogether.

The new Umbrella Inform completes the joint EMN and OECD Inform series of five Informs on the impact of COVID-19 on migration and asylum in the EU Member States and non-EU OECD countries during 2020 which were developed and produced between July 2020 and January 2021 by EMN, in collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD).

The Umbrella Inform was also developed with the input and support of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX).

For more information:

How has the pandemic impacted EU and OECD countries in the migration area: EMN Flash #16

EMN-OECD joint Inform series:

The Impact of COVID-19 in the migration area in EU and OECD countries: EMN and OECD Umbrella Inform

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on voluntary and forced return procedures and policy responses: EMN and OECD Inform #5

Impact of Covid-19 on remittances in EU and OECD countries: EMN and OECD Inform #4

Maintaining labour migration in essential sectors in times of pandemic: EMN and OECD Inform #3

Impact of COVID-19 on international students in EU and OECD Member States: EMN and OECD Inform #2

EU and OECD Member States responses to managing residence permits and migrant unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic: EMN and OECD Inform #1