Title: EMN Platform on Statelessness: A Progress Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 17 Jan 2018
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Establishing identity of non-EU nationals in Irish migration processes
Author: Samantha Arnold, Martina Byrne and Anne Sheridan
Date: 06 Dec 2017
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Migrants’ movements through the Mediterranean: EMN Policy Brief (update)
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 01 Dec 2017
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2016: Ireland
Author: Anne Sheridan
Date: 21 Nov 2017
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Retaining third-country national students in the European Union : EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 20 Sep 2017
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Illegal employment of third-country nationals in the European Union: EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 23 Aug 2017
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Illegal employment of third-country nationals in the European Union: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 23 Aug 2017
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Illegal employment of non-EU nationals in Ireland
Author: Samantha Arnold, Susan Whelan and Emma Quinn
Date: 06 Jul 2017
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Returning Rejected Asylum Seekers: Practices and Challenges in Ireland
Author: Anne Sheridan
Date: 03 Jul 2017
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Family reunification of non-EU nationals in Ireland
Author: Samantha Arnold and Emma Quinn
Date: 30 May 2017
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2016: Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 26 Apr 2017
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Family Reunification of Third-Country Nationals in the EU plus Norway: National Practices: EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 13 Apr 2017
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Family Reunification of Third-Country Nationals in the EU plus Norway: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 13 Apr 2017
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Resettlement of Refugees and Private Sponsorship in Ireland
Author: Samantha Arnold and Emma Quinn
Date: 13 Dec 2016
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Annual Policy Report on Migration and Asylum 2015: Ireland
Author: Anne Sheridan and Susan Whelan
Date: 28 Nov 2016
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission Programmes in Europe – what works? EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 09 Nov 2016
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission Programmes in Europe – what works? EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 09 Nov 2016
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: The Return of Rejected Asylum Seekers: Challenges and Good Practices: EMN Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 07 Nov 2016
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: The Return of Rejected Asylum Seekers: Challenges and Good Practices: EMN Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 07 Nov 2016
Publisher: Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission