Title: Protection of Children in Migration in Member States and Norway- State of Play in 2019: Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 10 Mar 2021
Publisher: Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Children in Migration: Report on the state of implementation in 2019 of the 2017 Communication on the protection of children in migration
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 10 Mar 2021
Publisher: Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: EMN Bulletin: October to December 2020 Issue 33
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 04 Feb 2021
Publisher: Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Sustainable Migration from Africa to Europe: EMN Roundtable Briefing Paper
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 28 Jan 2021
Publisher: Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: EU labour migration policy: time to move from a skill-based to a sector-based framework?: EMN – DG HOME – JRC Roundtable Briefing Paper
Author: European Migration Network, Joint Research Centre, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
Date: 22 Jan 2021
Publisher: Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on voluntary and forced return procedures and policy responses: EMN and OECD Inform #5
Author: European Migration Network, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Date: 20 Jan 2021
Publisher: Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2019: Ireland
Author: Anne Sheridan
Date: 23 Dec 2020
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute
Title: Attracting and protecting the rights of seasonal workers in the EU and United Kingdom: Inform
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 08 Dec 2020
Publisher: Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Attracting and protecting the rights of seasonal workers in the EU and United Kingdom: Synthesis Report
Author: European Migration Network
Date: 08 Dec 2020
Publisher: Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Title: Pathways to citizenship through naturalisation in Ireland
Author: Sarah Groarke, Róisín Dunbar
Date: 07 Dec 2020
Publisher: Economic and Social Research Institute