13 Jun 2024

Governing accommodation and housing in the context of international protection

Housing is a key part of integration of applicants and beneficiaries of international protection. The importance of housing for integration was emphasised in Ireland in the ‘White Paper to End Direct Provision and to Establish a New International Protection Support Service’ and also in the ‘Comprehensive Accommodation Strategy for International Protection Applicants’. This was a two-part conference, with the morning … Read More

15 Dec 2023

Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022: Ireland

On 29 November 2023,  the European Migration Network (EMN) Ireland published its Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022: Ireland. With an overview of the latest data as well as policy and operational developments, research, and case law from 2022, this report is a comprehensive reference that gives an opportunity to view the entire migration landscape in Ireland. The report … Read More

30 Mar 2023

New Insights on Migrant Integration in Ireland

Integration allows migrants to contribute to Ireland’s economic, social, cultural and political life and is critical for social cohesion and inclusive growth. Nonetheless, racism and discrimination can create barriers to integration. This in-person conference presented new EMN Ireland and ESRI research on migrants’ integration in Ireland and brought together expert speakers to reflect on the policy implications of the research. The new National Action Plan against Racism for Ireland … Read More

24 Nov 2021

Immigration detention and alternatives: Ireland and the EU 

EMN Ireland/ESRI Webinar  Immigration detention and alternatives: Ireland and the EU  Date: Wednesday 24 November 2021 Time: 14:00 – 15:30 (15:00 – 16:30 CET) This webinar, hosted by EMN Ireland, within the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), provides an overview of the legal framework and use of immigration detention and alternatives to detention in Ireland. It situates this overview in a … Read More

08 Dec 2020

Supporting Integration: Access to Citizenship in Ireland and the EU

EMN Ireland/ESRI Online Conference Supporting Integration: Access to Citizenship in Ireland and the EU 8 December 2020 Presentations now available; scroll down for video recording Click here to view the Conference Brochure Conference Agenda  9:30 Welcome Frances McGinnity, Associate Research Professor, Economic and Social Research Institute 9.35 Keynote: Citizenship acquisition and labour market outcomes of migrants Maarten Vink, European University … Read More

25 May 2020

National statuses for migrants in need of protection: Ireland and the EU

An EMN Ireland/ESRI webinar  Hosted by EMN Ireland, located within the ESRI, this webinar presented the findings of a new EU-wide, European Migration Network (EMN) study on national statuses for people in need of protection. The study finds that 20 Member States plus Norway have at least one national protection status in place, in addition to refugee and subsidiary protection statuses … Read More

29 Jan 2020

Attracting and Retaining Migrant-led Start-ups and Innovative Entrepreneurs from outside the EU

This conference was co-hosted by EMN Ireland, within the ESRI, and the Department of Justice and Equality to consider how best Ireland can harness non-EU start-up talent in the context of a newly revised Start-Up Entrepreneur Programme (STEP).

26 Jun 2019

Migrant integration: policy and place

Launch of two new integration reports on Diverse neighbourhoods: an analysis of the residential distribution of immigrants in Ireland and Policy and practice targeting the labour market integration of non-EU nationals in Ireland.

04 Dec 2018

EMN Ireland Conference 2018: Looking to the future for unaccompanied minors in Ireland and Europe

This conference discussed the status, care and integration of unaccompanied minors in Ireland and Europe

26 Feb 2018

Seminar – Managing labour migration for lower skilled jobs: Challenges, pitfalls and solutions

This seminar discussed the challenges, pitfalls and solutions associated with managing labour migration for lower skilled jobs from the perspective of the OECD.

08 Feb 2018

EMN Ireland conference: Migrant family reunification policy and practice

This conference provided an opportunity to exchange information on family reunification schemes in Ireland and abroad

08 Nov 2016

EMN Ireland Conference: Responding to the refugee crisis

EMN Ireland Conference addressing current responses to ongong refugee crisis, 15 December 2016

06 Apr 2016

Seminar on Statelessness Determination Procedures: Policy Options, Practical Experiences and Challenges

Joint seminar hosted by EMN Ireland, within the Economic and Social Research Institute, and UNHCR Ireland.

26 Nov 2015

Making labour migration work: Identifying skills shortages and attracting migrant workers as part of the solution

joint conference hosted by EMN Ireland, within the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), and the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

30 Sep 2014

EMN Ireland / UNHCR Ireland Conference: Protection of Unaccompanied Minors and Separated Children in Ireland and Europe

EMN Ireland, the Irish National Contact Point of the European Migration Network together with the UNHCR Ireland, will hold a half-day conference on Thursday, 27 November 2014

25 Mar 2014

Conference on Migration During and After the Economic Crisis

This EMN Ireland / ESRI Conference, an associated event of the Irish Presidency of the Council of the EU, will be held on Friday, 14 June 2013, from 10.00 to 16.00, at the Convention Centre Dublin.

25 Nov 2010

Conference presentations from EMN Ireland’s conference on ‘Labour Market, the Crisis and Migration’, Nov 2010

Presentations from EMN Ireland’s research conference entitled ‘Labour Market, the Crisis and Migration’